To coin a phrase, ‘this tumblog is a thing, a gathering around a matter of concern’ the phrase taken and respectfully, though unapologetically, infiltrated and reiterated from Edwards (2010 p.5). It does not represent my knowledge, it is the practice of my entanglements; the human, fleshy entanglements with technology and other materiality. It includes entanglements [...]
Week twelve – review
I feel sad that I am writing this last weekly review because that means the course is coming rapidly to an end. And there is still so much that I want to do, experiment with, read about and discuss. This week, I have discovered Camtasia which I downloaded as an attempt to stabilise my ethnography. [...]
The British Library are deciding, and asking the crowd to decide, which digital artefacts to archive; which is clearly a task as important as deciding upon what one should include/exclude in one’s #ededc tumblog The following questions which are asked in the covering article are very deep: ‘But how will researchers be using this resource in [...]
Statistical persons
I’m currently reading ‘SENTIENT CITIES Ambient intelligence and the politics of urban space’ in preparation for my assignment. It’s a rather fascinating discussion of embedded information and processing within the cityscape, where buildings think about us; where some people are tracked and judged via data, while others are invisible and mute; and where the city [...]
Virtual Ethnography on video
To combat the technical issues with the Slidespeech presentation, I have transferred it to video. Hopefully this is a more robust artefact now.
Thinking cities
Crang and Graham say ‘[this] is a world where we not only think of cities, but cities think of us..’ (2007 p.789). I wonder what they are thinking… Mike Crang & Stephen Graham (2007): SENTIENT CITIES Ambient intelligence and the politics of urban space, Information, Communication & Society, 10:6, 789-817 Image found at: [...]
Week 11 – review
This week has been mainly, and finally, translating my thoughts about posthumanism. I returned to Thinglink as a tried and tested method to collate ideas, quotes and themes, but I didn’t really attempt to make a consistent or coherent story of my understanding, because I don’t think I have one. And perhaps that’s not concerning [...]
Platform for assignment
I’ve decided to play it safe (but with room for edgy edges) by using a Weebly website. My experiences with Slide Speech taught me a lesson about the importance of the stability of platforms, and another one about balancing content and format. It looks like Weebly is fairly secure and might allow me (and readers/viewers) [...]
Posthuman response to Gee
During IDEL I was troubled by aspects of James Paul Gee’s assertions on identity. I critiqued both What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy (2003) and Identity as an Analytic Lens for Research in Education (2000) the latter by looking at it through the sociomaterial cloud of Actor Network Theory as part of my [...]
BBC television centre
This is the very last day of occupancy of the iconic BBC Television Centre in West London. I was lucky enough to go for a tour of the building just a few weeks ago and amongst a myriad of fascinating elements (Pauline Fowler’s laundrette tabard included) was the news room. In the middle of the [...]
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