My virtual ethnography: an IVF blog
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I have gained some insight into online ethnography through Hine’s article and I wanted to see what he means by connective ethnography particularly the notion of “getting there” rather than “being there”, how to allow the subjects to judge what is authentic, and how online ethnographies despatialize notions of communities., and focus on the cultural process rather than physical place’.
(Please see multimodal presentation above for the rest of the first section on the approach and strategy used for my ethnography. I have initially written only the text below but as I was building the presentation I wanted to expand and explain the steps towards doing an online ethnography of this nature. I was not intending to post the full text below but the platform used, presented some issues for me as I was trying to ensure that nothing was left out. There is little way of making sure of that, especially for a long presentation. Hence the inclusion of the text for ‘post-arrival stage’ and the analysis below)
Statements from core reading to challenge or to validate
I was interested to gain a better understanding of what makes an online community and test out the idea that:
“All communities are imagined and held together by shared cultural practice (rather than just face-to-face interaction)”, Anderson (1983)
I wanted to see if my subject in my ethnography fit into the idea of a bund which is an elective grouping, bonded by affective and emotional solidarity, sharing a strong sense of belonging, and if the communities I find try to reclaim a virtual Gemeinschaft? (a community with shared mores, belief and norms; it believes in the good beyond self.)
I want to answer the questions of a.) what does it mean to become a member of an online community and b.) is it really a good thing to become part of that online community? For example, I want to understand if there are any social codes developed. In particular, I want to understand if these social codes are established as group norms and where do I see these surfacing.
I also wanted to validate two other aspects. First, to see if Kozinets’s discussion of online communities is right: that the online environment is personally enriching social world. Secondly, I wanted to validate that Wellman (2001b) observed a type of networked individualism – online communities lack formal institutional structure means that communications will depend on the quality of social ties that the individual forms with the group.
Kavanaugh and Patterson (2001, p507) suggested that the longer people are on the Internet, the more likely they are to use the Internet to engage in social-capital-building activities and relationships, Mc Kenna and Siedman (2005, p 212) ‘if anything, Internet use appear to be bolstering real world community involvement. How deep, long-lasting, meaningful, and intense are those social relationships?
My immersive experience
At the outset, I was interested in a particular person’s blog named Auntie Em’s CCRM journey where the writer blogged in great detail about the journey she was taking to have her own babies through In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). After two weeks, since I wrote to ask permission, she finally wrote back and gave the go ahead. Prior to this, thinking that the door was closed on the IVF blog, I navigated to the IVF Forum which I used to visit. Unfortunately, the IVF Forum came back to me with a definite no, as it was one which you have to sign in as a member to post. This meant the members expect a level of privacy.
During this interlude, where I thought I had no sources in the IVF world, I was forced to investigate a completely different subject, namely street art, which is less private, and permissions are generally not required. After following this street art tangent, I am now back on track with my original IVF community investigation as well. I will mention all three areas and sites, as a way of comparison, without infringing on privacy issues. My main focus, however, will be Auntie Em’s (IVF) blog.
What drew me to this subject? I was personally involved in a journey, similar to the one that Auntie Em took, in the same clinic and as it happened, at around the same time. Her twins were born two days before my daughter. I and many other women were following her blog as events progressed, either as a reference point or to cheer Auntie Em along as she took on this difficult journey. I never did sign in to post but I sent personal messages two or three times at the end of her journey to thank her for sharing so honestly and accurately about her experience which had helped me navigate my own way through IVF treatment.
I stumbled upon Auntie Em’s blog while looking out for information on ladies who were treated at the Colorado Centre for Reproductive Medicine (CCRM). As it was my second IVF experience, having failed in the first attempt, I wanted to be able to refer to a community where I could draw from their experience. For the first attempt, I was lurking in Fertility and Fertile I browsed every site which talked about In Vitro Fertilization to first understand the treatment and secondly to help in the search of a clinic that has a high success rate. I learnt many cultural processes of the community this way.
Whilst going through an unknown journey in a highly specialised field, where the medical terms and treatment protocols are difficult to comprehend, I chose to rely on my own research so that I became an informed client and eventually a patient, under the umbrella of infertility. My experience of lurking in the forums was one which turned out to be highly addictive, and exhausting. It was a time when I wanted to know what other IVFers did as they went through each process. I wanted to guide my expectations as much as possible and through many perspectives.
It was only after I found Auntie Em’s blog that my search for information became less exhausting. This was a great source because her blog was just focused on her experience, it was chronologically ordered and it was detailed and comprehensive. She also linked to other bloggers whom she was following, and thus there was a community of women who were going through the same treatment in the same location, but with different medical backgrounds. Because of this network aspect, I did not have to look at other sites anymore. I could just focus on these ladies’ experience. I shared their joys, their world, and their disappointments, but I did not sign in to post.
Since I did not post, looking back, I wonder: was I a member of the community? I definitely identified with them. Why was I not contributing to the community? By reading their posts, I could see that the connections between these ladies who blogged were clearly very strong. At that time, I felt I was just a novice in my experience, and I was not comfortable outlining in detail my own journey the way they did. I felt these ladies knew each other very well, and I suspected that some may have taken their connections offline with real-life relationships. I felt I was part of the community merely by the fact that we shared the same doctors and went through similar stages in our experience. I did not have to make myself visible to have a connection with them. Certainly, the idea of a bund which is an elective grouping, bonded by affective and emotional solidarity, sharing a strong sense of belonging is evident in this particular blogging community. This feature of the Auntie Em blog is definitely what helped me feel connected to the community, as if I was a participating member, even though I was just a lurker.
On the other hand, whilst visiting the IVF Forums, I always felt more of an outsider: a lurker and a newbie. There were many reasons for the way I felt. First of all, there were a lot of codes used in the forums, which I did not understand. Secondly, it also felt at times, that some people in the forums knew each other already either through the discussion threads or because some of the discussion threads hinted at real-life connections. Because of these feelings it seemed that it would be just too time consuming to create new virtual relationships, by responding or posting anything in a forum which was extremely active and constantly being visited by many people.
Perhaps if I had taken the chance to invest in being an active contributor and graduated to maker, interactor or networker (Kozinets, 2010) to the forum, and participated in the forum threads, I would have felt that I was part of the IVF Forum community, too. Nonetheless, during the time I was visiting the site, it did feel like being in Wellman and Gulia’s online life as city life; or, more accurately, as living ‘in the heart of densely populated, heterogeneous, safe, big cities.’
Slevin’s suggestion that “the benefits of membership are often described in terms of the individual member’s quality of life, rather than in the quality of relationship between subjects. (Slevin, 2000)” is only true in some instances. Forums which you could use as a platform to promote one’s work, like those I have seen on Street Art sites, would fit into this category. In contrast, sites which find intensely personal and emotional support for its members, such as those in IVF forums, tended to focus more on the quality of relationship between participants and topics. I would like to think that these different type of connections correlate to a subjective personal quality value of the exchange and that this builds trust between the members.
As far as the Auntie Em blog, there is no explicit statement of what is expected for being part of the experience with Auntie Em, or community except to join her on this journey. However, what is clear to participants is that each of these blogs exist partly because the authors want to share their journey with others. How is a community defined in this context? Perhaps Anderson’s (1983) “all communities are imagined and held together by shared cultural practice “ (rather than just face-to-face interaction) explain the level of connectedness of all of these communities perfectly.
Although street art is a cultural phenomenon, its practitioners and followers are largely pursuing personal, revolutionary goals, which celebrate their differences and originality. They are connected mainly by their desire to become disconnected from other things. In fact, copying the approach of other artists leads to a lower reputation, and so this culture is in competition both with its members and with the society that it orbits. In contrast, the members of the IVF forums are not trying to be original. They are trying to find commonality, and acceptance, and a group of people who want the same things and want the same experiences. In this way, the cultural practice is correlated to the level of connectedness desired and experienced by the participants.
Kavanaugh and Patterson (2001, p507) suggested that the longer people are on the Internet, the more likely they are to use the Internet to engage in social-capital-building activities and relationships. This is probably very true for IVF bloggers. There is real communication and community building going on, and the question is: how deep, long-lasting, meaningful, and intense are those social relationships? This is difficult to measure, but in the Auntie Em’s blog, there is a great following as other bloggers often refer to her site, and from the exchanges, it seems that from time-to-time, the online community through the shared “consumption (Kozinets, p31)”, in this case, children born through IVF, there will always be a connection. In comparison, I am uncertain if the IVF forums would actually create the same level of meaningful and intense social relationships which were evident in the Auntie Em blog, but this is something for a bigger study, and also for the time being, no permission is given to study the other IVF Forum sites as they are of a personal nature.
I do not feel that the IVF communities around the bloggers are trying to reclaim a virtual Gemeinschaft, compared to some of those I saw on Street Arts. Sharing of personal journeys for the benefit of other people, and showcasing your art work for gaining reputation and admirers are two very different sets of motivations. Bloggers of IVF experience are not writing to demonstrate their skills, where street artist maybe promoting their work or an event which is related to their work. There are no rules imposed by bloggers apart from signing in to post, and by the structure provided by a blog.
Forums are slightly different than blogs as there is usually the facility to moderate and accept membership. In addition, in forums there is the idea of trying to manage the data of both members and of the content (discussion threads). For content readers, such as lurkers, interactors and networkers, the relationship between them and content directors (makers) appears to be different between Blogs and Forums. The principle differences are seen through the lenses of authority and authorship. For bloggers, when there is a community formed around blogs, there is a sense that the blogger possess some kind of authority in the field, and readers can develop a relationship with the blogger. In forums, outside of the moderator, there is perhaps less focus on authority, because it is assumed that anyone sharing an experience on the topic is sufficient. Forums are mostly populated by people looking for a collection of short answers to short posts and hoping to be able to sift through the results for a useful response by readers. In fact, discussion forums have less of a sense of authorship since they are designed for short messages and question posting, whereas the blog is centered on authorship of a longer narrative.
So what makes an online community? Online communities could be studied by analyzing the population of interaction types as suggested by Kozinets. For example, in both the forum and the blog, there is certainly evidence of all four types of Kozinets’s interaction, but there may be a different distribution of interaction types between forums and blogs, which could be seen as a sort of finger-print for the online community involved. Using this type of data analysis, it may be possible to draw correlations between collections of behavior, like promoting social change, bonding, cruising or geeking. As designers of online education communities, we know some behaviours create stronger and richer learning environments, and some detract from it. This kind of research could be very useful as a road-map towards designing and implementing more impactful and valuable learning experiences for our students.
Unfortunately, this level statistical research and analysis is beyond the scope of this current work, but even just a cursory look at these few sites yields tantalizing clues. For example, there is a burgeoning question: do any of the sites which I have visited for my ethnography demonstrate the communities as social agents for cultural transformations? Furthermore, and does the internet liberate and constrain? (Olaniran 2004, mentioned by Kozinet, 2010, p 39)
In some ways, I feel Auntie Em’s site, does act as social agent: to empower the women with knowledge, to feel a sense of togetherness as opposed to isolation and thus equipping its readers with some shared experience which better prepares them for treatment. The forum experience could meet these same goals, but does so in an exhausting way, as you have to trawl through pages of information to find what you need.
Continuing this cursory analysis using Kozinets’s interaction types, shows that on the forum, most posts are made by makers, and interactors whereas the blog appears to have more networkers compared to the forum. In both examples, Auntie Em’s site and the IVF Forum, there certainly are a lot of lurkers (277,537 for the blog)
These observations of interaction type concentrations correlate with my experience of being in the forum and blog. It appears that online communities with more networkers, rather than just makers and interactors, the value of the experience, especially for promoting social change, is much higher. This assumption is not directly explored by Kozinets’s chart on types of online participation which could lead learning community designers to give too much focus on makers and/or interactors.
Kozinets’s chart overlooks the possibility that without networkers, community ties may be strong, but they could also be a less valuable experience in terms of maximizing benefits to the participants. For example, with just devotees and insiders, the content might be too homogenous and resulting in a less valued community compared to other alternatives. It would be very useful to add a third dimension to Kozinets’s chart, which could be labeled “Value of Shared Connections”. This dimension could be a proxy for the relative potential value of the learning experience between learning environments.
This proposed dimension of development is based on the observation that since blogs tend to have more links or mention other people in the content (compared to forum posts which have much less external reference), this could be are indication of shared connections with the community. These are the minglers or networkers. Auntie Em’s blog has a list of bloggers, hence a small knit group but with more shared connections.
The value of shared connections correlating with the value of learning experience in education is not a new idea. It is one of the main criteria some people have in choosing their education environment, particularly when one looks at why some people seek out an elite learning experience. The elite learning experience may not have better measurable learning outcomes, but the lifetime benefits of its alumni can be measured as significantly more successful, and the likely cause of this difference is the network of people connections acquired through that learning environment.
Given all of these observations, it seems that there are good reasons for further study of this theory for improving learning potential encouraging shared connections among participants in online communities. Follow-up studies take time, but they are also recognized as providing strong evidence in support of the affect of different approaches and opportunities in education. There are also opportunities for conducting a study of a proper statistical sample of forums and comparing them with blogs to establish the degree to which each has a different distribution of lurkers, makers, interactors and networkers.
Studies should consider the various community enablers (mechanisms) such as blogs vs forums and try to understand whether blogs or forums tend to create more lurkers, more makers, interactors, networkers. Controls could be introduced to compare sites with and without active moderators, and whether effects are strong in small communities compared to larger communities. For example, it should be possible to measure the number of interactors compared to makers in forums as a percentage of the population over time, and then try to tease out some addition driving factors which make a forum a poor learning experience or a good learning experience.
Wellman (2001b) observed a type of networked individualism. Because online communities lack formal institutional structure, this suggests that communications will depend on the quality of social ties that the individual forms with the group. It seems a good assumption that strong social ties will increase the perceived value of the learning experience. For example, if students do not develop social ties with each other, it seems unlikely that they will respond positively to a survey on the perceived educational value of that learning environment. Without the benefit of social ties, students could easily conclude that self study is as good if not a better option.
Ultimately, research of this kind help compare new and existing tools with success at achieving a particular education goal. With this sort of data available, designers of learning environments could make changes to existing tools, verify the value of new ones and steer designers away from less effective ones.
Probably the strongest evidence of the value of including social media as part of online learning environments comes from an examination of the reasons behind the success of Facebook as a social media service. Facebook was so successful in growing its service and perceived value because from the very beginning, its focus was to attract people based on their connections in real life, and provide members a way to grow their pool of shared connections through friends and friends of friends. This approach meant that as the community grew bigger it also grew more valuable in terms of potential and capability because it was always finding new ways to get people to connect to each other. It was always about growing and encouraging shared connections. Its ability to simplify connection maintenance and expansion was so well designed, it has created connections across gender, age, nationality and beliefs to a far greater extent than other enterprises with similar goals.
When online community designers want to take some of the lessons of successful social networking and use those as a model for how to create learning communities with more potential and perceived value, this should focus first on increasing the number of shared connections and shared connection opportunities for participants. As long as learning communities are built around a collection of blogs and forums, the shared connection opportunities are likely to remain limited and small. The tools used by online communities for learning should be expanded to encourage the use of photos, video, audio and other creative media. For example, learning games should be as easy to customize and drop into a word-press template as a forum or blog is today. Most importantly, students should be recognized and rewarded for sharing their connections with their classmates, and not just providing their own participation. This shift towards the conscious value of connections and not an invisible contributor behind all people will increase learning potential dramatically through the contributions of groups of people outside the virtual classroom. The most successful learning communities of the future will find more ways to encourage people to create and share connections with new content and new way of arranging content on a regular basis.
Hine, C (2000) The virtual objects of ethnography, chapter 3 of Virtual ethnography. London: Sage. pp41-66
Bell, David (2001) Community and cyberculture, chapter 5 of An introduction to cybercultures. Abingdon: Routledge. pp92-112 [e-book] [PDF]
Kozinets, R. V. (2010) Chapter 2 Understanding Culture Online, Netnography: doing ethnographic research online. London: Sage. pp. 21-40
Rheingold, H (2000) Introduction to The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier. London: MIT Press.
Gatson, S and Zweerink, A (2004) Ethnography online: natives practising and inscribing community. Qualitative Research, 4(2), 179-200.
Wellman, B. (2001b) “Physical Place and Cyber-Place: The Rise of Networked Individualism.” International Journal for Urban and Regional Research, 25: 227-52.
Hi Chantelle,
I really enjoyed this ethnography. I like the platform that you have used, especially the interactive element that allows the user to temporarily divert down tributaries before returning to the main topic thoroughfare. [Liked EVE link - nice touch!]
Hi Nikki, Thank you. I did enjoy using Vuvox. I love the cut-out images, and its ability to scroll to the right, and also it has the features of Thinglink, Glogster – so it is appealing. I would use this again.
I found Eve Online movie clip by chance – I thought it really did create a kind of suspense and intensity of an eye-witness account. It does work well if the clip is played while the person is reading the presentation. Wished I had more time, I think there is a lot of potential with Vuvox as a tool for presentation.
By some coincidence with this week’s topic on Cyborg readings, and just having started the Donna Haraway readings, I wonder if the IVF blog is much more feminine, compared with the street art blog? This is purely a personal observation…. Being a mum too, having gone through tremendous heartache more than 20 years ago, I would have been desperate for any blog or forum at the time, but sadly they were not available. The knowledge gathering, building up of almost a scientific picture of medical support, to me, was vital in any future pregnancies, and I totally identify with the situation of gaining such information. (In my case I ended up going to specialist bookshop that stocked medical books because of lack of such online support)
Any longed for community building in this sense seems very traditional, the mamatoto doula service is very authentic I think. I couldn’t imagine one would want to lurk an IFV blog unless going through a similar experience. As you mention the shared ‘consumption’, the ‘getting there’, the ‘emotional solidarity’ and the becoming an expert is something one would totally identify with. It is immensely important to be able to share these experiences with other women who have gone through the same.
By the way, I totally enjoyed your ethnography, can see now why so much effort and passion has gone into it. I will most definitely look at vuvox for a future online illustration.
In testing my own theory of ‘alloy’ I would suggest that the IVF blog seems of a very dense nature, and in Correll’s terms very much relates to a person’s core sense of identity. And thus thinking of the Haraway readings, a blog such as this one can very much be an extension of oneself, a shared organism with other mothers who have added their own elements.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Thank you Gina. Very perceptive observations. I have not started reading yet this week, but hope to get time tomorrow so will want to discuss some of your observations later. Certainly, the blog is very much an extension of the self – there is a lot more we can explore here particularly, what makes us want to/ feel comfortable or confident about writing one own’s blog? Why would people choose to blog over participating in forum? Why do some people feel compelled to publish one’s hour-by-hour update of what is happening in their lives, and why not others?
Hi Chantelle This was a really interesting topic, and made me think that, when we search for information online, oftentimes we’re not just looking for information–we’re looking for other people’s experiences and stories, someone like us, someone different, a new perspective on something… At the same time, I think you showed really well how all of this can still be in the capacity of the ‘lurker’. I’ve certainly felt like part of communities of sorts by virtue of a strong interest in the topic and regularly visiting a site, although never contributing.
I wonder how transferable the blog-versus-forum metaphor is, and would it hold in a group of 50 rather than thousands…? (That’s not rhetorical, I’m really wondering!) : )
Hi Candace, It will be interesting to research on the ‘lurker’ phenomenon a little bit more when time permits, there may be some work already done elsewhere. As one of the writers had talk about how we often try to use the yardstick of the non-digital to make sense of the internet community, the sense of community even in the physical world, is a difficult one to comprehend. How much and what form of contribution makes one a member of a community? What if we want to escape from the social panopticon that social media sets up by design, or the close knit community on the ground? Does the ‘lurker’ then become ‘voyeuristic’ in nature if he or she does not become an active participant, or can he/she have full empathy for the subject matter and become part of the community because the ‘lurker’ sees or judges herself/himself as part of that community?
Re the blog vs forum metaphor – if we were to put this question contextually say in a MOOC with thousands of participants, the forums too get quite laborious to go through. But if we just to pick a handful of bloggers from the MOOC, we immediately get an entirely different sense of the community. Hence, perhaps MOOCs could encourage more blogging, and breaking the groups into smaller units to make the connections stronger. Not sure if that answers your question.
Hi Chantelle – Very brave to take on a topic such as IVF! As Gena comments, your topic may (possibly) be related to block 3 study ‘Posthuman’ – One wonders how future IVF technology will advance over the next 50 years? Your chosen community appears heavy with metaphor! Having two (almost) grown up children (one at Ed Uni at the moment) – I know a parent ‘kind of’ constructs an image of a child then makes that image existent, physically and metaphorically – That process continues (I suspect) right through that child’s life. Thank you
Hi Phil, Posthuman – yes, I have just started reading and indeed it does have some link with posthuman discussion. The IVF technology is now so advanced, there is a lot it can do to screen and test embryos for inherited DNA issues, before it is placed into the womb. There is of course the phenomenon of women now able to carry a child without a partner. Can one construct the image of a child although the DNA is different from yours, does beg the question of nurture, in the case of donor egg or sperm. Still a long way to go before I complete the core reading I am sure I will have more to say when I am done!
Thank you for taking the time to view my presentation although it is much delayed.
Hi Chantelle, I thought this was a compelling read. I could also see metaphor in this, especially with ‘Auntie Em’ herself. It is almost as if her role is that of an elder within the community – telling stories, passing down wisdom, recounting experiences. It think it’s also interesting that her moniker ties in with the ‘agony aunt’ type advisor role. It’s got me wondering about what functions and what types of people are necessary to build a community-type group and whether that’s static, or whether it depends on the context. Very thought-provoking, thanks Chantelle.
Hello Steph, Thank you for taking time to read my ethnography. You have described the blog really well – Auntie Em’s role as an elder within the community. I think the agony aunt role is more prevalent in the IVF forums than the blogs, partly the forums are slightly more private perhaps? Indeed it takes a kind of personality to build a community-type group, more than the aura of technology as a glue or motivation, I think the topic and the technique of story telling also have a big part to play. In the case of these blogs, the chronological story telling as well as tagging under different topics are helpful (but not rambling) ,